Cool off this summer with refreshing Fruttare Bars

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Woo it is starting to get sticky hot outside.  You know that kind of heat where you just want to lay on the floor under a fan until fall rolls around?  Let me just say I am not a fan of the heat.  Summer is definitely not my favorite season.  One good thing about summer is that it is frozen treat season.  Nothing like a good frozen dessert after a scorcher of a day.

This summer we have discovered Fruttare Frozen Fruit Bars and man oh man are they delicious!!

Fruttars Bars come in all sorts of flavors and are made from real fruit mixed with real fruit juice or milk and they taste amazing!  With flavors like Pineapple, Mango, Coconut & Milk and Peaches & Milk there is something for everyone.

The weather really hit some highs this week and I couldn’t do anything without becoming a sweaty mess and it was making me super grouchy.  So I grabbed some Fruttare Bars and took Dean outside to the pool.  Sitting watching him have a grand time in the pool while I relaxed in the shade nibbling on a Black Cherry Fruttare Bar I felt my grouchiness lift and I could see the bright side of summer.  The cool pool water splashing on my feet while Dean played in the water, the gorgeous produce this time of year, the lighting bugs filling the night sky and sandy trips to beach.

So even though summer might not be my favorite season, I can strive to celebrate the bright side of summer and all the positive things it brings, instead of focusing on the negative.  I can just relax, soak in the summer and remember Fruttare’s motto, “It’s all good.”

And it is all good!  Fruttare Frozen Fruit Bars are amazingly delicious, the fresh fruit taste is an explosion of flavor as they are made with real fruit!  The strawberry tastes like strawberry, the pineapple tastes like pineapple and the snozzberry….. sorry got carried away lol.  Anyways, these bars deliver fresh fruit taste complete with bits of real fruit right inside.  We love all the flavors and decided to try Black Cherry this week and oh my was it yummy.

Fruttare Black Cherry

 I also spotted these new Fruit and Milk Bars and had to grab the Banana & Milk and let me tell you this, stop what you are doing, go out and get these Banana Milk Fruttare Bars, you will thank me.  They are rich and delicious with a pow of creamy banana flavor and frozen banana bits.  It is the ultimate frozen treat.

Fruttare Banana

I can’t keep enough of them on hand, they get gobbled up in no time.

Dean Fruttare

So grab yourself a Fruttare Bar and a positive outlook and enjoy the summer!

For more information on delicious Fruttare Frozen Fruit Bars visit their site HERE

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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