Starting New with The Swiffer Effect

Sharing is caring!

Hey yall!!  Time to talk dirty!  Dirt and dust that is lol!

Cleaning the house is not my favorite thing to do and by the time I pull out everything to sweep and mop and dust I am already not feeling it and that was living in our tiny apartment.  Now we are moving into a house 3 times that size with lots of tile and hardwood to sweep and mops and a ton of windows to dust.  Ughh not looking forward to that at all!!

So I was super happy to get my Big Green Box from Swiffer!!  Full of their amazing dusters and Swiffers in dry and wet this box had me all set to tackle the task of cleaning my new home!


 With these Swiffer products housework is now a snap and so easy even Dean can pitch in and help!  He has a fun time and we both finish cleaning super fast leaving lots of time to play afterwards. Mopping our kitchen floors is effortless and with a messy little boy I really appreciate the hard work the wet Swiffer does in the bathroom, and it leaves it smelling fresh, so it does double duty! From my husband’s dirty boots, my dog’s hair, crumbs from Dean my new hardwood floors stay a mess but I can just give them a quick once over with a dry Swiffer and I am done for the day! We had our new house sparkling clean in no time and I stress less now because I know I can get everything swept, dusted and mopped in minutes now instead of hours.

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 With something this good I had to share it!  My mom also just moved and has a whole new house clean so what better way to congratulate her than surprising her with a Big Green Box of her own!  It is just like in the commercials!!! Love it!

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 I know she will appreciate it because getting my teenage sister to do chores is like pulling teeth but now she is happy to help out knowing it can be done in half the time.


A clean home is a happy home and you just feel so much better when your house is sparkling.  Now you can have that all the time without breaking your back or taking hours to clean.  With an arsenal of Swiffer products you have everything you need to keep your house clean and your family happy!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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